Hi Rob,

On Sunday, 2011-08-14 10:17:28 -0400, Rob Weir wrote:

> IIRC, these extensions are 3rd party, under a variety of licenses,
> including some that are not open source.  Is that correct?


> Another option, which I brought up the last time this topic was
> discussed on the list, is that we maintain a catalog of extensions,
> but don't maintain the storage of the extensions themselves.  So a
> distributed approach where we own the directory.

Currently OOo has the functionality to query whether an upgrade of the
extension is available and to download and update if so. The directory
then should implement that. Note that it is not necessary to have the
directory provide the extension itself, this is already the case with
the current extension repository that allows to host the extension at
a different place. IIRC some metadata and an URL is sufficient,
hopefully someone familiar with the mechanism can jump in on that. Maybe

> >From the end-user perspective, they should not notice a big
> difference.  They browse a list of extensions, click 'download' and
> they get the extension.  But the extension would be served by an
> external site, the responsibility of the extension author.
> For this to work we'd need some way for extension authors to submit
> their extension descriptions and metadata.  Maybe a simple XML format,
> or a web form that generates that XML.  Then you need a program to gen
> the website from the XML.  Xalan XSLT could be used for this, for
> example.
> What do you think of a distributed approach like this?

Fine. Isn't much different from the current situation. Best if technical
details could be worked out such that no code apart from the actual
repository/directory URL needed to be changed.


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