--- On Sun, 9/4/11, Marcus (OOo) wrote:

> As addition:
> It's also about code quality and stability.

I have never said the contrary.
> Currently we have already a (relative) stable code with the
> released OOo 3.4 Beta. So, it would be IMHO not clever to
> through in all the new code from the 24 issues, build again
> and get surprised what is now not working.

"stable" is such a relative concept. I don't think we are stable
yet (neither is LO), and we have a long way to go before a

Furthermore I am NOT suggesting we apply blindly 24 patches
today and cross fingers to see if works tomorrow.
> We have to select very carfully what to integrate.

I think that instead of complaining so much about a
list of bugs with fixes that I looked up (and that I will
likely never update again), you could spend time more
constructively criticizing the bugs at a technical level,
or at least pointing out those that you *do* consider

Personally, being a new guy to this code base, I did the list
just to have an idea of what there is to be found in there. I
do think this can wait after the CWS' are integrated. I also
thought one of the general objectives was bringing the LO-OO
codebases nearer together but it seems that is not really a
priority anymore.

Drawing such a list is not exactly fun and I am, in no position
to *force* anything to be fixed so take the list just as a point
of reference and nothing more.

Also, fwiw, it is not my plan (and never was) to make this a
periodic posting (the heading is actually a pun to a similar
posting at some other list): committers will have to learn
to work as effectively as they can with Bugzilla.



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