On 15.10.2011 19:49, Rob Weir wrote:
> On Sat, Oct 15, 2011 at 1:09 PM, Pedro Giffuni <p...@apache.org> wrote:
>> --- On Fri, 10/14/11, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>> ...
>>> I want to make sure we're not duplicating effort here.
>>> I've been working with Pedro to take the legacy OOo SVN
>>> repository (pre Hg) and get it onto Apache-Extras.
>>> I'm doing this via svnsync, a slow
>>> process, but it will preserve the revision history.

sounds good; there are even still some non-integrated CWSes in there, but
probably these are by now so outdated that they aren't of much interest.

>> In more than week, at the current rate, but still it's
>> worth it. I am not sure if support for MySpell and
>> Xalan is still buried there somewhere but in theory
>> there is some stuff there that may have been otherwise
>> lost during the Hg migration.
>>> I'm told that before SVN the project used CVS.  Is it
>>> worth backing that up as well?
>> I have no idea where the CVS stuff may be available but
>> apache-extras doesn't support CVS and it's probably not
>> worth the try anyways.
> It is probably not useful for the project, at least directly.  But I
> was contacted by someone off list who said it might be good to have a
> back up as a reference, for IP reasons.  This kind of make sense.  It
> shows the provenance of the code, and it also establish an earlier
> data (back to 2000, right?) for publication of the code.  This is
> useful as prior art.

keep in mind that the CVS repo is pretty darn enormous, Heiner said
something about 90G:


> What are our options if we wanted to back up the CVS, and preserve the
> revision history?   Apache-Extras doesn't do CVS.

hmm... converting to something non-CVS is probably not an option, because
that would lose information (given the nature of CVS any large repo is a
huge mess...).

perhaps mirror it with CVSup, make a tarball and upload that somewhere...

probably nobody really wants to actually look at it, it's more of an
"insurance" thing, right?


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