Hi Regina,

Thank you for the complete <draw:frame> markup.  It is clear what is happening 

I think that you can't click on the rendered image because it is the 
<draw:image> that your build is using as an alternative to the 
<draw:ole-object>.  Presumably that <draw:image> was made from the rendering 
that was done when the OLE object was embedded and the document saved.  The 
use of the <draw:image> is expected when the client doesn't recognize/support 
the <draw:ole-object> or it doesn't have the application required to activate 
the embedded OLE object.  This can happen because the client is not running 
Windows or it is on Windows but the application that served the OLE object is 
not available.  (At one time, Microsoft Office would report the lack of 
application to users and offer to substitute the static image that had been 
retained at the same time, making it then a non-OLE editable image.  I'm not 
clear what happens in current releases of Office.)

The case that concerns me is that the <draw:frame> transformation has to be 
applicable to all forms of the image or there is some rule for knowing which 
image for the transformation applies to, since it can only be specified once 
for the <draw:frame>.

Also, for cropping/clipping, that is different than scroll bars and such on a 
recognized OLE embedding.  It would apply to the <draw:image> as well.  This 
happens with .doc and users are unhappy when the .odt version loses the 
cropping, forces shrinking of the full image onto the page, etc., and there is 
no way to fix it.  I think this is partly an ODF problem and also an OO.o 

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Regina Henschel [mailto:rb.hensc...@t-online.de]
Sent: Monday, October 17, 2011 06:22
To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: [PATCH] Fix for #118485#, #108221#, #67705#

Hi Dennis,

Dennis E. Hamilton schrieb:
> Regina,
> That looks good.  Is the<draw:ole-object>  the only child of 
> the<draw:frame>?

No, it has a draw:image element for the replacement graphic.
> I'm asking because I wonder what is needed in the ODF specification with
> regard to<draw:frame>  attributes when there are alternative images among 
> the
> <draw:frame>  children.  E.g., if there were a<draw:ole-object>  and a
> <draw:image>  there together.

The full node is:
<draw:frame draw:name="MeinName" draw:style-name="gr4"
draw:layer="layout" svg:width="8.889cm" svg:height="6.307cm"
draw:transform="rotate (0.5235987755982) translate (8.02cm
xlink:href="./Object 1" xlink:type="simple" xlink:show="embed"
xlink:actuate="onLoad"><text:p>Dies ist eine
xlink:href="./ObjectReplacements/Object 1" xlink:type="simple"
xlink:show="embed" xlink:actuate="onLoad"/></draw:frame>

The wrong class-id is likely because my build does not support OLE, that
is, I cannot activate the object via doubleclick.

> (I also see that cropping doesn't seem to be handled very easily.)

There is no cropping on the frame, but for OLE-objects, which belong to
ODF, the position of the active part is determined by the scrollbars and
the grey edges in the activated object. But for real tests I would need
a build including full OLE feature. I think Armin should tell you about

Kind regards
>   - Dennis
> -----Original Message-----
> From: Regina Henschel [mailto:rb.hensc...@t-online.de]
> Sent: Sunday, October 16, 2011 14:42
> To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
> Subject: Re: [PATCH] Fix for #118485#, #108221#, #67705#
> Hi Dennis,
> Dennis E. Hamilton schrieb:
>> While attention is on the topic of rendering control for OLE objects,
>> I have questions:
>> How does this modification show up in the ODF XML surrounding the
>> OLE object (element<draw:ole-object>)?
> When I test it with a file, where the OLE-object is already inserted,
> then I see, that the transformation is done in the parent element
> <draw:frame>  with the draw:transform attribute.
> Kind regards
> Regina

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