On Thu, Nov 10, 2011 at 1:13 PM, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:

> I think that the following process should be considered.

A few questions, to make sure I understand.

> (1) Migrate each N-L site fully into the Apache SVN. They are all preserved.

In other words, copy the existing static HTML from the legacy OOo
website into SVN.   I assume this is hooked up to the Apache CMS as
well and we point a subdomain to it?

> (2) Tag each site in SVN to preserve the state and make it easy to find the 
> "initial" state. Keep a record of this tag on an N-L page.

If you check in the N-L site with a single commit, this would be the
same as the revision number for the ooo-site/pl directory, for
example.  Is that correct?  In that case we don't really need a tag.

> (3) Remove from SVN all, or most, of the N-L site. Nothing is really deleted 
> the whole site will always be recoverable from the tag created in (2).

I don't understand that step.  I understand what you are saying
technically, but I don't understand the "why".  Don't we want to
preserve the N-L site?

They might require some clean up, if there are things that are
out-of-policy, like fund raising.  But we should be able to identify
these via Google Translates, or even by creating a dump of all
external links.

> (4) Update the www / English site - moving dev portions to the podling and 
> writing the correct guidelines and policies for the main front.


> (5) As Volunteers appear from a N-L the first task is to translate pages and 
> header links in (4). Translated pages will be accessed using ACCEPT-LANG 
> browser headers, the structure should follow.

So the idea is we have a set of translated N-L homepages, based on the
default English site as a template?  And these pages would load based
on browser-based language detection.  What if I wanted to explicitly
load the French or the German page, but my browser is set to English?
Would there be some obvious way to do this?

> (6) Each N-L may continue to have a unique main page that will be accessed 
> either at pl.openoffice.org/ redirected to www.openoffice.org/pl

I thought these pages were deleted from SVN per #3 above?

> (7) Each N-L should have there own links page to go off-site to locally 
> appropriate sites.

Should?  Or may?  Why isn't openoffice.org appropriate?

> (8) If an N-L site is doing any fundraising outside of the ASF then that must 
> move off openoffice.org. Those pages should be linked to from the page 
> described in (7) and they must make clear that those funds are not associated 
> with the ASF. This is is something that the ASF requires.

Linking to an external site is fine, I think, even if it raises funds.
 Any external links should make it clear that they are non-Apache,
etc.  But I would not be comfortable linking specifically to a
fundraising page.

Example 1:   "Try this site for some amazing Polish templates for
Apache OpenOffice" and then the linked to site has templates as well
as button that says "Contribute here to support the development of
further templates".

Example 2: "Click here to donate to support the translators of the
Polish OpenOffice" and then link directly to PayPal or other page for
collecting contributions.

I think example 1 is fine, but example 2 would not.  I don't think we
want to be offering placement to links that are solely or primarily
external fund raising links.  Otherwise, I could just put in some
links to Amazon books related to OpenOffice and have those links be
tied to my Amazon Associates account, so I get a cut from Amazon.  We
can't have stuff like that.

> (9) A N-L site might need pages that the main site or other N-L sites might 
> not have, in that case maybe everyone needs the page, or one like it. It can 
> be worked out.
> Obviously there would be a lot of sinew and muscles to add to this skeleton 
> and I've not focused on related spellcheck, dictionary, ML, ..., but does 
> this approach make sense?

It is not clear to me whether the diversity in N-L pages was by design
or simply from lack of coordination.  Just has, for example, all
Apache pages have a similar navigational structure, as well as
mandatory content, I think we should enforce the same for N-L pages.
Remember, these pages represent the AOOo project, and therefore
Apache, to visitors who may never see the main English project page.
So we need to make sure that all of our bases are covered in on that
page: license, how to download, ToU, mailing lists, support forums,
etc.  And this needs to be done for any entry point the user makes.
So I think we're better off with a cookie cutter approach for the
webpages, with specific areas for extensibility according to N-L


> Regards,
> Dave
>> So the question I have on the Polish website is, how are we doing for
>> users?  Do we know what the download stats are for the Polish version
>> of OOo?  If it is significant, I'd assume there are many visitors to
>> those web pages as well.  Unfortunately we don't have any page count
>> statistics for our website.  So we really don't have a good sense of
>> how much used these pages are.
>> In any case, what I am saying is this:  If it is useful and used, then
>> we should keep it and make sure we have a communication to those users
>> that let's them know that we always welcome their help in maintaining
>> that website, and explain how they can get more involved.
>> -Rob
>>> Also note, this site has not yet been ported over to the staging site.
>>> And finally, I am having a few problems getting my recent changes to the
>>> N-L page to actually "publish" so no fun link from the staging home page
>>> yet.
>>>  <http://ooo-site.apache.org/>
>>> --
>>> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
>>> MzK
>>> "The greatness of a nation and its moral progress can be judged
>>>  by the way its animals are treated."
>>>                              -- Mohandas Gandhi

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