
In the process of removing the liberation fonts (they are under GPL license, issue 118600) I stumbled upon some font related questions. Maybe someone on this list can provide answers.

1. The gentium basic fonts are under the SIL Open Font License. This looks OK to me but I am not a lawyer. Is this a category A, B or X license?

2. The license of the open symbol font is unclear, it only has a copyright notice (to Oracle). Issue 89686 complains about this. There are comments about the intention of putting it under LGPL. But the last comment of the issue is more than three years old and its status is STARTED. Does anybody know more about this?

Additional information:

- External fonts are contained in archives in ext-sources:
  Gentium Basic Fonts:

  Liberation Fonts:


  They are processed in the more_fonts module.

- The Symbol Font can be found in extras/source/truetype/opens___.ttf


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