--- On Mon, 11/14/11, Herbert Duerr <hdu_...@alice.de> wrote:
> > 
> > I think he fixed the metric files to better work with
> the Arial Narrow
> > font.
> I extended the Liberation Sans font family with Narrow font
> faces and contributed these changes upstream.
> > But still, he will be sad, that they have to go.
> Not only me, but everyone who is using documents with it or
> its metrically compatible counterpart. These documents or
> their text boxes tend to overflow and this often looks
> nasty.

I might've got it wrong, but I understand "liberation"
fonts are actually replacements for fonts that are already
installed on Windows. MS-Windows users don't need them and
linux/BSD users have them preinstalled. 

> Maybe I should look into basing some new Narrow font faces
> on a font family that has a license acceptable for bundling
> them as binaries in an Apache release (e.g. OFL?)

Unfortunately really good fonts are all commercial.

I tend to use the gsfonts package.

These are rather useful for math:

but I recall the ttf versions of them are also



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