On Mon, Nov 14, 2011 at 9:58 PM, Andrew Rist <andrew.r...@oracle.com> wrote:
> On 11/14/2011 5:20 PM, Rob Weir wrote:
>> It looks like we have several options, described here:
>> http://ci.apache.org/
>> Does anyone have an opinion on which one we should use?
>> Although getting this to work across multiple platforms will be a big
>> effort, we don't need to do it all at once.   Getting a single
>> platform up and running would not be very difficult, for example
>> Buildbot with Linux. And we would benefit from even that.  For
>> example, this would enable non-developers to grab builds to test.  As
>> you've probably noticed, we've had a few people ask how they could
>> help with testing.  But without builds the only ones who can test are
>> those who can build AOOo themselves.
>> I'm poking around at the doc here:
>> http://buildbot.net/buildbot/docs/current/full.html
>> I've also signed up for the bui...@apache.org list.
>> But I could really use some help to move this forward.  So, if you are
>> interested in helping, let me know.
>> Thanks!
>> -Rob
> I've already gotten started on this and opened a Jira issue for creating a
> Linux nightly on buildbot.
> I have checked in a preliminary linux build script and I was working on the
> patch to the buildbot cfg for AOO.
> I was going to initially run the build, RAT, and some code analysis.  Later
> I was going to attempt to run QA tests also.
> There has been discussion of working on the Mac build, and other options are
> a Windows nightly (obviously) and perhaps a Solaris build.

This sounds like a good plan.

I saw your script in the JIRA issue.  Would it be worth doing an svn
update rather than a fresh checkout each time?  (A full checkout can
take 40 minutes).  Or does that break a rule about storing state on
buildbot slaves?

> Andrew

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