Le 11 nov. 11 à 11:27, Armin Le Grand a écrit :

        Hi *,

Hi Armin,

to keep all of you up to date, I'm making good progress with the planned svg replacement with an own interpreter.

You mean you are implementing native svg inside OOo ?

Due to the IP clearance process I have now prepared an early patch to disable the current svg stuff to get forward. It removes a bunch of gpl/lgpl'ed libs which need to go anyways.

Need to go here means: No longer in our own repro, but on systems where possible available as system libraries. Thus, this patch removes the libraries from our repository/from ext_sources to no longer need them there, but actively touches just that current svg functionality.

The libraries are:
librsvg, libcroco, libgsf, gdk-pixbuf, glib, gettext and pango.


I'll keep you up to date with the current svg replacement I am working on. I can import things like tiger and tux, but also all examples of the SVG spec 1.1, thus svg gradients and text on curve as well (no, please do not discuss about the usefulness of this here, it's in there and needs to be supported :-)). It should be a matter of weeks to a first usable, comittable version...

Sorry for the long latency answer, but please note that if you need a tester for your experimental code, I can review it and/or have a look, and build on any OS (just tell me the exact goal/frame for the build you need)

Thank you very much for your impressive work !


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