Am 23.11.2011 19:40, schrieb Ariel Constenla-Haile:

> HI eric, *
> On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 05:16:35PM +0100, eric b wrote:
>> >>FWIW, Michael Stahl had these CWSs in the pipeline, I hope
>> >>he or someone else finds the time to merge them into some
>> >>branch:
>> >
>> >
>> >>gnumake4
>> >
>> >
>> >I started working in this one. I took the apply-per-commmit approach
>> >(I did one big diff but was very error prone). They are ca. 180
>> >commits,
>> >may be I'll finish by next Monday dedicating 2 hrs per day.
>> To be sure : is the plan to use gmake for the whole build ?
> the original plan is to replace the old build system 
> with a new GNU make base one (there was a blog post on GullFOSS, now
> dead, explaining that).
> So far, with the commits I've applied, gnumake4 converts the following 
> modules to gbuild:
> basebmp
> basegfx
> canvas
> cppcanvas
> idl
> linguistic
> sax
> starmath
> ucbhelper
> unotools
> wizards
> xmlreader
> xmlscript
> not yet applied, but seen in that cws too:
> dbaccess
> oox
> reportdesign
> writerfilter

IIRC a cws that brings writerfilter to gbuild was already merged into


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