--- Sab 17/12/11, Michael Meeks ha scritto:

>     Sure - if it is easier for us to include
> an existing feature, under an
> acceptable license into LibreOffice why would we bother
> re-writing it ?
> conversely if it is easier to re-write, why not ?

And it's usually so much easier to take. Steve jobs
had a famous quote about that that I don't remember
very well ;-).

>     I don't want anyone to get the idea that
> LibreOffice will be based on
> AOOI, and that this is going to be the rule.

It's rather interesting that for AOO the OpenOffice.org
legacy is essential. We are different from OOo in the
freedom given by the Apache License but otherwise we
are the continuation of the SUN/Oracle legacy.

LibreOffice instead seems to be more interested in
showing independence from what would seem to have been
the past "oppressive" Oracle/SUN regime.  Again Steve Jobs
had a good quote for this "It's more fun to be a pirate
than to join the navy."

And then all this independence is somewhat fake in that
LibreOffice seems condemned to carry OpenOffice.org
LGPL3 headers unless they get new headers from AOO.

Just thinking out loud :-P.


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