If they've registered a separate language code for one or the other, that 
should be the answer.  Also, is the agreement just with respect to pt-PT or 
does it apply to pt-BR, etc.?

Both dictionaries could be added to the same OXT, just as is done for en-*, but 
somehow the user has to have a way to choose the appropriate one for a given 

Who knows whether the agreement includes identifiers for use in handling 
electronic documents and dictionaries?

Or has pre-agreement been declared obsolete?

 - Dennis

-----Original Message-----
From: Andrea Pescetti [mailto:pesce...@apache.org] 
Sent: Tuesday, January 17, 2012 14:40
To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: Double dictionaries for languages

On 07/01/2012 Marco A.G.Pinto wrote:
> Portuguese has suffered a language agreement and now there are two kinds
> of my language:
> - pre-agreement
> - post-agreement...
> The language is still the same and just the dictionary is changed.
> Could this be implemented into AOO?

I think (but I haven't checked with a recent build, and I'm not 100% 
sure) that multiple dictionaries for the same language are supported and 
are merged (i.e., if you enable both an "old spelling" and a "new 
spelling" dictionary, words of either dictionary will be accepted).

As for switching between dictionaries, the easiest way I see is 
installing separate extensions: there is no suitable user interface yet, 

There's always the hack of defining two separate locales and assigning 
one to the "old spelling" and one to the "new spelling" to change them 
in real time like American English and British English, but forcing this 
configuration would break interoperability.


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