Hi All,

We have had a recent discussion in the forum (after another case) about the 
problem where files are replaced with only hashes, leading to serious data loss.
Is there any plan to handle it or at least to double check the save process?

For the record: usually after a power loss, the opened file is wrecked and no 
data is recoverable. In very rare cases (I've seen it twice IIRC), user is able 
to recover the last version from the temporary files.
The discussion: 
The post where I've listed more than 90 similar reports in forums: 
The issue I'd filed: https://issues.apache.org/ooo/show_bug.cgi?id=107847

NB: not sure if LibO has inherited this problem too but I guess so according to 
a quick Google search: 

Of course the bug is not reproducible, it happens on several OS, with different 
versions but has appeared clearly end of 2008.

Please remember that this bug is very detrimental to the product reputation, 
leading to a loss of confidence in the code. Especially for a very basic 
feature. Facing say a power loss is not usual but the original file should not 
be processed until the new file is correctly written (or its temporary version 
should at least be available for recovery).


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