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-----Original Message-----
From: xia zhao [] 
Sent: Friday, March 16, 2012 1:31 AM
Subject: Re: Files replaced by hashes, let's face it

2012/3/13 eric b <>

> Le 12 mars 12 à 22:47, Hagar Delest a écrit :
>  Hi All,
> Hi,
>  We have had a recent discussion in the forum (after another case) about
>> the problem where files are replaced with only hashes, leading to serious
>> data loss.
>> Is there any plan to handle it or at least to double check the save
>> process?
> Currently, not that I know.
>  For the record: usually after a power loss, the opened file is wrecked
>> and no data is recoverable. In very rare cases (I've seen it twice IIRC),
>> user is able to recover the last version from the temporary files.
>> The discussion:****
>> viewtopic.php?f=6&t=17677<>
>> The post where I've listed more than 90 similar reports in forums:
>> viewtopic.php?f=6&t=17677#**p81363<>
>> The issue I'd filed:**
>> show_bug.cgi?id=107847<>
> To be honest, I had a lot of similar issues with (old versions of) Windows
> + MS Office, exactly the same way, long time ago. I even remeber I lost a
> lof of work myself and I never complained to Microsoft, who does not care
> (imho).
> This isssue looks like a true issue, but a one extremely difficult to
> reproduce. There are really a lot of possible reasons to turn something
> readable into ####, like a simple 1 bit offset somewhere in the datas, or
> some unneeded address incrementation in some loop, including bad things
> with the file system (somewhere in sal or more complicated). I think you
> understand things are awfully complicated to track.
> Until we find a track, the most important is to collect as much of datas
> as possible. There is certainly one common denominator for a big part of
> those issues imho, but the area of investigations is enormous.
> Of course, I don't have a solution, and only common work could help. To
> make progress, we could define a strategy when one new issue is detected,
> e.g. :
> - create a meta-issue (I'll let other people propose a name)
> - propose a process to collect datas, and what do if ever such issue
> occurs (like not power off the computer, or provide us a previous version
> of the damaged document if possible .. and so on)
> - explain the users the difficulty to reproduce, and the analyze needs
> more information than other issues, so we need to collect a lot before to
> imagine a root and solve it
> - cross the issues with other derivatives could help : I'll
> ask on our lists, to know whether the problem occured with OOo4Kids too.
> - (please propose other ideas)
> I agree collecting datas is one good way, is there any log when recovery
> fail or data lost?
   Meanwhile, can someone do save, recovery logic analysis? Such as cold
walkthrough etc?
   From QA view, I will add this scenario, power lost, long run etc to AOO
3.4 scope to see if something can catch.


>  NB: not sure if LibO has inherited this problem too but I guess so
>> according to a quick Google search:**
>> libreoffice-bugs@lists.**<>
> I think you should keep an eye on this side, but I bet this is the case
> too.
>  Of course the bug is not reproducible, it happens on several OS, with
>> different versions but has appeared clearly end of 2008.
> More the date is precise, more it will help : there is probably some
> history somewhere, and a list of cws introduced in meantime could help to
> isolate a good candidate for the (possible) bug or regression.
>  Please remember that this bug is very detrimental to the product
>> reputation, leading to a loss of confidence in the code.
> Yes, but we should not exagerate either. Know data loss is possible, is
> true. This is a serious, but very seldom issue : we can create, use files
> without lose something most of the time. I'd even bet people lose more
> often their datas on windows because of viruses, trojan, whatever than with
> OOo.
> Last but not least the code is open, what is something really good in this
> case.
>  Especially for a very basic feature. Facing say a power loss is not usual
>> but the original file should not be processed until the new file is
>> correctly written (or its temporary version should at least be available
>> for recovery).
> My 2 cts
> Eric
> --
> qɔᴉɹə
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