Le Tue, 13 Mar 2012 05:38:51 +0100, eric b <eric.bach...@free.fr> a écrit :

Until we find a track, the most important is to collect as much of datas as 
possible. There is certainly one common denominator for a big part of those 
issues imho, but the area of investigations is enormous.

There are 91 reports and for each, I've mentioned in the post linked what OS, 
what OOo version and if there was a special situation (very often power loss). 
Of course we used to ask for details but there is no pattern that could be 
noticed sadly.

Of course, I don't have a solution, and only common work could help. To make 
progress, we could define a strategy when one new issue is detected, e.g. :

- create a meta-issue (I'll let other people propose a name)
- propose a process to collect datas, and what do if ever such issue occurs 
(like not power off the computer, or provide us a previous version of the 
damaged document if possible .. and so on)
Are you talking about the bug report? There is already a link to the forum 
The problem is that there is usually no previous version (or very old), user 
has already rebooted (hoping OOo would recover something).

- explain the users the difficulty to reproduce, and the analyze needs more 
information than other issues, so we need to collect a lot before to imagine a 
root and solve it
In fact, it's rather uneasy to admit that the save process is not robust 
enough. Users can understand that the new file is damaged but not the original 
one. Either one of the 2 versions (the new one or the former one) should be ok, 
not both wrecked.

NB: not sure if LibO has inherited this problem too but I guess so according to 
a quick Google search: 

I think you should keep an eye on this side, but I bet this is the case too.
I think that devs feeling is the same for LibO: just don't look at it too 

More the date is precise, more it will help : there is probably some history 
somewhere, and a list of cws introduced in meantime could help to isolate a 
good candidate for the (possible) bug or regression.
Date is rather easy to trace with the posts timing.


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