Hi Regina,

Thanks for these excellent insights.

Best regards

Op 20-3-2012 13:29, Regina Henschel schreef:

It is impossible to understand the code without guides and without

Conclusion, wish or how you might call it:
(1) Document parts of the code very detailed in all steps, including
help and accessibility. For example: How to make a new dialog? How does
an Excel import filter works? I could start only after Eike Rathke has
documented the process of adding new functions to Calc in

(2) Document an overview of AOO. For example: What parts are all
touched, when a user drags a corner of a shape till the shape is
changed? Or what parts are touched, when a writer document is opened.
And the other way round, what is handled in vcl or cosv or all the other

(3) Document AOO specific things. For example what are these OSL_*,
which are used, when and why. What special types exists, why do they
exist, when should they be used?

(4) Increase mentoring. Such mentor should identify a "nice to have"
feature and offer to guide the volunteer. Armin has mentored the
"linecap" feature that way and it has worked well. Although some
essential parts are done by Armin, I did a lot by myself and got some
new insides in the code.

Getting a build is a critical part for newcomers, especially on Windows.

(5) Work very hard to provide a buildable trunk on Friday. It is very
frustrating when you plan to do some coding on weekend and the build fails.

(6) Without the document about building OOo on Windows by Mathias Bauer
and the succeeding Wiki page
I was not able to build OOo. So keep this information up to date; it is
essential for newcomers.

Kind regards

Vriendelijke groet, Best regards,

Simon Brouwer

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