On 2012-03-19, at 08:41 , Rob Weir wrote:

> Any ideas and the best ways how we can improve in this area after AOO
> 3.4 releases?

Lots, and these would complement the rather good ideas already proposed. What 
we did at OOo actually worked--to attract developers and contributors of all 
sorts. What worked against us I do not think I need spell out, but the 
cussedness of the code was not really the determining factor. 

What really would help, besides giving would-bes a clean entry, is to have 
mentors, more or less do-able tasks that are identified as such. (We tried 
getting to this many times, and I strongly urged my erstwhile colleagues in 
this area for, uhm, years. Finally happened, and we got our to-dos but still 
not clearly identified according to level of difficulty. I can conceive of 
several  here whose work would assist in the identification of tasks newbies 
could approach--and even post-newbies-and perhaps even in mentoring.)

Also, what helps tremendously is what we are doing already: presenting a 
community that is open, friendly, and generally has a good attitude about what 
it is doing and where it is going. There are millions using OOo as their 
primary ODF implementation, and those mostly include those who have come to it 
via the national or sub-national government agency. I think it's about time 
that they are looking to AOO for the next step.

And I can think of at least two, and probably more, national bodies so 

Do these give us developers straight away? I don't know. The problem with OOo 
was, as [not] said ultimately political, not codical (comical?). Engaging these 
longtime users, as well as new ones, with the possibilities represented by this 
community, which is open and unencumbered--ought to be easier.

My own approach is to focus on ODF and on the benefits offered not only by the 
AOO implementation but by its community.


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