
I am sorry i am new to this dev mailing list. What is the real requirement.
In what areas we need people for the next 1 year. What is the exact skill
set needed. Let me see if i can help you in anyway.

Thanks & Regards,
Im Software Systems

On Wed, 28 Mar 2012 08:47:30 +0100, Ian Lynch <ianrly...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On 28 March 2012 02:38, Kevin Grignon <kevingrignon...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Many great thoughts here.
>> In addition to supporting the open source movement, perhaps we could
>> market participation as a way to learn and develop skills.
> Maybe a certificate for AOO development professional? Work out the key
> skills needed to contribute to development and write a set of indicative
> assessment criteria. Get a mentor to verify the candidate's evidence that
> they can meet the criteria. If there was interest in it we have the
>  facilities to support it including secure on-line testing facilities and
> Drupal system for managing coursework evidence which we would do as a
> contribution to the project. We'd just need help defining the criteria
> the most experienced developers.
>> As a newbie, it appears that much our message is around what we need -
>> which is essential to understand, however we may want to focus on why
>> someone may want to join and help them realize their goals.
>> For example, if someone is looking to demonstrate their skills and
>> develop
>> portfolio work products, then AOO offers a sandbox of opportunity.
> And a potential certification of skills.
>> Some thoughts.
>> Regards,
>> Kevin
>> On Mar 27, 2012, at 10:47 PM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>> > On Mon, Mar 26, 2012 at 9:39 PM, Louis Suárez-Potts <lui...@gmail.com
>> >wrote:
>> >
>> >> Hi,
>> >> On 2012-03-19, at 08:41 , Rob Weir wrote:
>> >>
>> >>> Any ideas and the best ways how we can improve in this area after
>> >>> 3.4 releases?
>> >>
>> >> Lots, and these would complement the rather good ideas already
>> >> proposed.
>> >> What we did at OOo actually worked--to attract developers and
>> contributors
>> >> of all sorts. What worked against us I do not think I need spell out,
>> but
>> >> the cussedness of the code was not really the determining factor.
>> >>
>> >> What really would help, besides giving would-bes a clean entry, is to
>> have
>> >> mentors, more or less do-able tasks that are identified as such. (We
>> tried
>> >> getting to this many times, and I strongly urged my erstwhile
>> colleagues in
>> >> this area for, uhm, years. Finally happened, and we got our to-dos
>> >> still not clearly identified according to level of difficulty. I can
>> >> conceive of several  here whose work would assist in the
>> >> identification
>> of
>> >> tasks newbies could approach--and even post-newbies-and perhaps even
>> >> in
>> >> mentoring.)
>> >>
>> >> Also, what helps tremendously is what we are doing already:
>> >> a
>> >> community that is open, friendly, and generally has a good attitude
>> about
>> >> what it is doing and where it is going. There are millions using OOo
>> >> as
>> >> their primary ODF implementation, and those mostly include those who
>> have
>> >> come to it via the national or sub-national government agency. I
>> it's
>> >> about time that they are looking to AOO for the next step.
>> >>
>> >>
>> > I think the idea of a new contributor mentor is essential.   This is
>> > true
>> > for coders, but also website, translation, documentation, test, UI,
>> > etc.
>> > What we have today is very much a "swim or sink" and "drink from the
>> > fire
>> > hose" approach.  If someone is highly motivated, highly skilled and
>> > persistent, and is able to withstand the apparent chaos of the ooo-dev
>> > list, and penetrates the noise and asks questions, and repeats their
>> > questions until answered, then they might have a 50/50 chance of
>> > contributing.
>> >
>> > But let's be honest with ourselves -- there are a range of projects
>> someone
>> > can contribute to.  For would-be volunteers it is a buyer's market. 
>> we
>> > make it too hard to get involved and contribute, technically,
>> procedurally,
>> > socially, then we lose.
>> >
>> > But getting new volunteers on board requires effort.  If someone is
>> > spending 100% of their time on their own features, then they have no
>> > time
>> > to help new volunteers become productive.
>> >
>> > One approach might be to define "essential skills" or "essential
>> knowledge"
>> > that a new volunteer needs to master in order to become productive,
>> > then a list of project members who are willing to help mentor new
>> > volunteers to acquire those skills.
>> >
>> > For example, for the website, the essential skills might be:
>> >
>> > 1) Assume HTML/CSS, we're not here to teach that
>> > 2) Help them get started with Markdown Text
>> > 3) Help them use the CMS to generate patches
>> > 4) Help them build website locally via the scripts
>> > 5) Understanding the larger site design, including recurring page
>> elements,
>> > footers, etc.
>> > 6) In parallel with above, understanding Apache, roles, decision
>> > making,
>> > lazy consensus, CTR versus RTC, what Infra does versus what the
>> is
>> > responsible for, etc.
>> > 7) Help them establish a record of contributions to become a committer
>> >
>> > Anyone who has done the above can do 95% of what is needed to become a
>> > master of our website.
>> >
>> > It would be wonderful if we had something like that, a check list even
>> > a
>> > curriculum, for other common functions, as well as volunteers able to
>> take
>> > on new project volunteers willing to help.
>> >
>> > This is all an investment in the future success of the project.  We
>> > grow
>> by
>> > attracting new volunteers.  But the investment is time spent on
>> mentoring.
>> > This would all be over-kill for the average Apache PMC of 8-12 people.
>>  But
>> > with 10 million lines of code, a PMC nearing 100 members, and the
>> > largest
>> > project at Apache, we need an approach to training new volunteers that
>> > works to scale.  I think something like the above helps get us closer.
>> >
>> > -Rob
>> >
>> >
>> > And I can think of at least two, and probably more, national bodies so
>> >> interested.
>> >>
>> >> Do these give us developers straight away? I don't know. The problem
>> with
>> >> OOo was, as [not] said ultimately political, not codical (comical?).
>> >> Engaging these longtime users, as well as new ones, with the
>> possibilities
>> >> represented by this community, which is open and unencumbered--ought
>> >> to
>> be
>> >> easier.
>> >>
>> >> My own approach is to focus on ODF and on the benefits offered not
>> >> only
>> by
>> >> the AOO implementation but by its community.
>> >>
>> >> -louis

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