On Wed, 2012-04-11 at 22:50 -0400, drew wrote:
> On Thu, 2012-04-12 at 03:47 +0200, Raphael Bircher wrote:
> > Am 12.04.12 03:40, schrieb Rob Weir:
> > > On Wed, Apr 11, 2012 at 9:33 PM, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> 
> > > wrote:
> > >> Rob,
> > >>
> > >> You are missing that Kay changed the subject and then had a back and 
> > >> forth with Marcus to solve this trouble.
> > >>
> > > And the end result is that the page still says nothing about Apache,
> > > incubation or how to get involved with the project?
> > >
> > > I dunno about you, but I think we still have a problem.
> > The Feed is from the http://www.oooforum.dk/ so it's not maintained by
> > OOo. I think we have no danish people here atm who can make a update. I
> > propose to delete this feed on the dk site to avoid confusion. The
> > update from the site is a different storry. but this problem exist on
> > the moast NLC pages
> > 
> Hi Raphael
> Well, I wouldn't necessarily go along with that idea.
> I'd say http://www.oooforum.dk/ is every bit as valid a community
> resource as the user services forums every were or are.
> They are acting at that forum in all material respects the same as the
> user services forums, the only difference being a somewhat more
> prominent LibO image (not an official one btw).
> So, does the sub-domain need upkeep - I guess, but I can see no reason
> to remove the feed from that forum.
> my opinion,

Well, while your at it the same situation exists in Norway:

Another long time OO.o forum, with historic links to/from the no.oo.o
sub-domain (or did in the past at least) which supports both packages
(or all ODF packages if you prefer) again as does the user services

In Germany things are different - there was two forums for a long time,
now there are three (one specific to OO.o still, one specific to LibO
and one that states it covers both, both really more LibO)

There is also an ongoing discussion for example in the German
OpenOffice.org Group at Xing (which is rather like linkeIN of Europe)
about whether that group will rename itself to Apache OpenOffice or
whether it should just go with LibreOffice (all though there is already
a LibreOffice group) or should attempt to be for 'FOSS Office Suites'
and attempt not to choose...

anyway - it is the situation.

> //drew

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