On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 9:25 AM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
> On Sat, Apr 28, 2012 at 9:51 AM, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org> wrote:
>> Alexandro Colorado wrote:
>>> I am not sure what you mean by time is running out. Even if release
>>> date approaches there is no deadline to talk strategy and a good tool
>>> to manage more than publish.
>> When OpenOffice 3.4 is released, it is very likely that the press releases
>> will contain links to the "main" or "official" Apache OpenOffice channels;
>> it wouldn't make sense to change them later and it is obvious that we can
>> advertise only channels that are under control of several PPMC members.
> But the official ones are already set up.  We've already had this
> discussion.  The accounts are set up and they have already been shared
> with the PPMC .  We already have several PPMC co-authors on them.
> They are already linked to on the website.  Announcements have already
> gone out to ooo-announce.  They are already in the AOO 3.4
> announcement draft.  Content is going out on these channels, from the
> PPMC, on a daily basis.  This is all already done, in preparation for
> the AOO 3.4 launch.

It would be good if you close those accounts and work with the ones
that were already working. Like I said before doesnt make sense to
duplicate efforts.

> This isn't about personal control.  This is about sharing.  Those who
> hoard will be passed by and left behind.  Those who work through the
> process and openly share and enable others with see their initiatives
> succeed.  It is that simple.  You cannot control by withholding.
> If you (or any other PPMC member) would like to be added as a
> co-author to the Twitter or Google+ account, please let me know and I
> will add you immediately.  If you want to be an author on the Facebook
> group, talk to Raphael.
>> At that point, everybody, from the PPMC or not, will still be welcome to
>> open a channel dedicated to OpenOffice (respecting the trademark policy),
>> but these channels would be "secondary" or "unofficial".
>> Regards,
>>  Andrea.

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