FYI, I found that is a redirection to now, which then separates into two
directory trees.  The uniformed Chinese site does not exists.  The
content is already separated.  Keeping a uniformed Chinese entry page
does not make sense anymore.

    This also means that separation of Traditional and Simplified
Chinese is not a big work at all.

On 2012/05/08 14:54, imacat said:
> On 2012/05/08 09:14, Zhe Liu said:
>> we can keep the current website address and automatically choose
>> Chinese traditional or simplified according to the user's locale, just
>> keep one copy of each page. IMHO,that will be save more time.
>     Well, I'm not thinking about saving more time.  I'm thinking about
> participation - which way may attract more local community that join our
> work.  If we have separate sites what local community feels more
> comfortable, the two languages may each attract more people to join our
> work.  Currently the zh-only site and especially forum attract only
> people from China, which is not right.
>     Creating two sites requires more work, yes, but that is where we can
> call for volunteer for. ^_*'
>     Besides, the current Chinese site is far too outdated.  The
> " Chinese Project" become history for years.  I was
> updating the 3.4 release information, and it come to my mind that, why
> not propose site separation altogether?
>     If we agree, I shall start doing this in this week.  Currently we
> only need home page, download page and a news page.  Working on two
> sites for these pages is small work.

Best regards,
imacat ^_*' <>

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