On 10.05.2012 18:23, Dennis E. Hamilton wrote:
All right, this seems like a good place to splice in a comment I made in the 
private thread that it is time to be careful and not get into exaggerated 
claims, especially when a variation is not consistently present to all users in 
all situations.

Unsubstantiated subjective experiences are not trustworthy.

That is true. But OpenOffice is not a high performance computing application. When a user thinks that it is fast enough then it IS fast enough.


   It is also very difficult to control the variations that exist from one 
setting and execution to another.

So let's stop making so much of this.

  - Dennis


I just stubbed my toe on a performance situation where there is a serious 
worse-than-linear degradation in performance as a particular kind of ODF Text 
document grows.  Using a hot machine, I only noticed the pain when opening the 
document extended into an intolerable number of minutes as I continued work on 
successive drafts.  On my slower laptop, where I repeated the test for 
comparison purpose, the document now takes over an hour to open.  This is on 
OO.o 3.3.0, AOO 3.4.0, and a variety of LibreOffice releases.

Yes there are differences among the different releases, and they are rather 
consistent when the time is so long, but the fastest (OpenOffice.org 3.3.0 in 
my crude tests) is still swamped by whatever the serious performance 
degradation is and it is common to all releases tested.

This is not the kind of problem that can be isolated into a small test case for 
reproducibility, so the forensic work to demonstrate it and capture data points 
is really tedious.  Ordinary users probably think that their software has hung 
or is not even starting when it is just that there is something that is taking 
a very long time as part of loading the document (but neither disk nor network, 
something in the logic that pegs the CPU for minutes when not hours).

Bug reports will follow shortly.

-----Original Message-----
From: Jürgen Schmidt [mailto:jogischm...@googlemail.com]
Sent: Thursday, May 10, 2012 08:45
To: ooo-dev@incubator.apache.org
Subject: Re: Performance!

[ ... ]

But the point right now is that the majority of users don't care about
this and see only that AOO is starting fast. A fact that I like very
much because there were indeed some improvements for 3.4.

And how nice is it when users notice such improvements without deeper
analysis. The fact that users simply having the impression that it
starts fast is very nice.

So let us focus on further improvement going in this direction. Let us
make our users happy. Many many happy users and their positive feedback
is the payment that we get for our work here.


[ ... ]

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