On Tue, May 22, 2012 at 11:33 AM, Pedro Giffuni <p...@apache.org> wrote:
> Hi Yong Lin Ma;
> On 05/21/12 00:29, Yong Lin Ma wrote:
>> Yeah, we integrated most enhancement/changes from AOO3.4.  Especially
>> those copyleft module cleanup work. We thought it is mandatory
>> requirement of contribution.
> I noticed the idlc preprocessor is still there so I guess some
> special care is still required before taking code from there.

Yeah, you are right. idlc preprocessor is still there. But it won't
impact the contribution from legal perspective. Thank you for point
this out.

> I am pretty sure there are many small changes that are
> difficult to sort out without the revision history but is perfectly
> understandable that some information there is rather private.
> All in all it's pretty familiar if one knows the way around the
> code :).
> cheers,
> Pedro.
>> On Mon, May 21, 2012 at 12:56 PM, Pedro Giffuni<p...@apache.org>  wrote:
>>> Hi;
>>> I looked at it briefly and it was nice to see it already
>>> has some of the AOO 3.4 enhancements. I also noticed icu
>>> has been updated which is great.
>>> This is very exciting ... thanks IBM!
>>> Pedro.
>>> --- Dom 20/5/12, Rob Weir<robw...@apache.org>  ha scritto:
>>>> The JIRA issue for loading the
>>>> Symphony dump is here:
>>>> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-4799
>>>> Daniel made a test load of the dump file here:
>>>> https://svn-master.apache.org/repos/test/danielsh/symphony-import/
>>>> It would be great if someone can (maybe from the Symphony
>>>> team) can do
>>>> a check out and verify that this is correct. And if anyone
>>>> sees any
>>>> problems, please speak up now.
>>>> Discussion here, but if we get a couple of +1's someone
>>>> should update
>>>> the JIRA issue to give the go-ahead.  I'm traveling
>>>> tomorrow so I will
>>>> not be able to do this.
>>>> -Rob


Erik Ma

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