
I looked at it briefly and it was nice to see it already
has some of the AOO 3.4 enhancements. I also noticed icu
has been updated which is great.

This is very exciting ... thanks IBM!


--- Dom 20/5/12, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> ha scritto:

> The JIRA issue for loading the
> Symphony dump is here:
> https://issues.apache.org/jira/browse/INFRA-4799
> Daniel made a test load of the dump file here:
> https://svn-master.apache.org/repos/test/danielsh/symphony-import/
> It would be great if someone can (maybe from the Symphony
> team) can do
> a check out and verify that this is correct. And if anyone
> sees any
> problems, please speak up now.
> Discussion here, but if we get a couple of +1's someone
> should update
> the JIRA issue to give the go-ahead.  I'm traveling
> tomorrow so I will
> not be able to do this.
> -Rob

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