
On 22.05.2012 09:43, Andrea Pescetti wrote:
On 21/05/2012 Oliver-Rainer Wittmann wrote:
The redirect is established.
Thus, please check in your AOO 3.4 installation, if the update
functionality returns that your installation is up to date.

Works for me but the URLs are different. I had redirected openoffice.org
(notice, no www) to another host and I kept getting an error, so I investigated.

As one can see with wget, the current redirect is
which works but is probably not the cleanest way. Also, it would likely be the
first resource we use that depends on http://openoffice.org instead of
http://www.openoffice.org (in Oracle times, the first one was used for Kenai
resources, the second one was the website).

Thanks for testing.
Thus, you got an error in the AOO 3.4 update functionality, because you have an own redirect from openoffice.org to another host. Right?
Does the update functionality works, if you do not have your own redirect?
I am asking in order to be sure that I got the right message.

I was not aware of the difference between <www.openoffice.org> and 
In the JIRA issue INFRA-4830 I had requested a redirect from [2] to [1].
But I got in direct contact with the infrastructure team on its IRC channel #asfinfra in order to get guidance. The infrastructure team reacted quite fast - they immediately established the redirect. I am not sure, if I had requested the same redirect to openoffice.org/... or to www.openoffice.org/... in the IRC chat. I will check it this the infrastructure team.

Best regards, Oliver.

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