On 23.05.2012 16:00, Michael Meeks wrote:

On Wed, 2012-05-23 at 13:54 +0200, Regina Henschel wrote:
There are a lot of CWSs in http://hg.services.openoffice.org/. The files
are still under LGPL3. Some of these CWSs are relevant for LO and for
AOO. It it possible to get these CWSs under APL2.0?

        Right ! so I've been delaying the ask until I have an accurate list,
but since that's taking a bit of time, here is a (possibly incomplete)
list of useful CWS' that we have code integrated from:

        cws ause130
        cws aw084
        cws calc65
        cws gnumake4
        cws impress210
        cws impressdefaults1
        cws mav58
        cws ooo340fixes
        cws ooo34gsl01
        cws ooo34gsl10
        cws ooo34gslstop1
        cws sw34bf06
        cws writerfilter10

I can not find the following child work spaces on http://hg.services.openoffice.org/. Can you point me to the right place?

        cws aw084
        cws calc65
        cws impress210
        cws impressdefaults1
        cws ooo34gsl10
        cws ooo34gslstop1


        If we can't get them under AL2.0 in time, then we will need to
incrementally remove and re-write them on a per-file basis I imagine -
which would be unfortunate but not debilitating.

        Of course - now that we have some sort of list, further clarity on the
process by which these LGPLv3, Oracle owned CWS become AL2.0 is much

        Michael S. had a few others that had useful features not-yet-merged in



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