> Additional comments inline. See KG02.
> On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 10:49 AM, Kevin Grignon 
> > KG01 - see comments inline.
> > 
> > On Tue, Jun 5, 2012 at 8:26 AM, Graham Lauder <y...@apache.org> wrote:
> >> > > Hi.
> >> > > 
> >> > > Questions relating to research!
> >> 
> >> [....]
> >> 
> >> > Perhaps the first survey we should conduct is a survey about what sort
> >> 
> >> of
> >> 
> >> > surveys our users would respond to.
> > 
> > KG01 - Thanks for your feedback and interest in the user research effort.
> > While I agree we could deploy different types of surveys to gather
> > different types of data, I feel that a survey of surveys might induce
> > premature survey fatigue. User research, especially surveys, consumes
> > people's time and energy. Rather, I propose we work from the other
> > direction. If the goal of the research activity is to gather data that
> > will help us build insight and drive informed design and development
> > decisions, then we should focus the surveys on the information we need
> > to do that. I have captured some comments in the wiki discussion page.
> > 
> > http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Talk:AOO_UX_Research_Surveys
> > 
> >> > Cheers
> >> > GL
> >> > 
> >> > PS I have made a few comments on the wiki page with regard to the
> >> 
> >> questions
> >> 
> >> > there.
> >> 
> >> Discussion on Delivery Methodologies
> >> 
> >> Unfortunately probably our best way of reaching OOo users, the OOo mail
> >> redirect, has been taken away (Although the value of that list could be
> >> debatable) so we have to come up with different methods. We have
> >> basically two
> >> demographics that we have simple access to: New Users and Experienced
> >> Users.
> >> 
> >> New User contact:
> >> At Download, from a redirect from the download site
> >> At install: a link to a survey to do while AOO is installing
> >> Immediately Post install
> >> 
> >> Experienced user contact:
> >> As for the New User
> >> Via the announce list
> >> from the Home Page (Add in another link "I am willing to help with AOO
> >> User
> >> Research")
> >> At upgrade as part of the process
> >> 
> >> This in addition to posting on all lists obviously
> >> 
> >> It should go without saying that the user should be able to opt-out at
> >> any point
> >> 
> >> 
> >> Discuss either here or on the wiki
> >> 
> >> http://wiki.services.openoffice.org/wiki/Talk:AOO_UX_Research_Surveys
> KG02 - Graham, I can log into and edit the page, but cannot login to or
> edit the comments. Thoughts?

Mediawiki sometimes plays silly buggers with login.  If you are logged but 
your ID is not at the top of the page then look for the "View Source" tag 
click that and it seems to take you to the editable page


> >> Cheers
> >> GL

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