On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 10:41 AM, Dave Fisher <dave2w...@comcast.net> wrote:
> On Jul 8, 2012, at 4:34 AM, Rob Weir wrote:
>> On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 7:04 AM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>>> On Sun, Jul 8, 2012 at 1:05 AM, Ross Gardler <rgard...@opendirective.com> 
>>> wrote:
>>>> Seems we missed a bit of process...
>>>> From a mobile device - forgive errors and terseness
>>>> ---------- Forwarded message ----------
>>>> From: "Henri Yandell" <flame...@gmail.com>
>>>> Date: Jul 8, 2012 3:22 AM
>>>> Subject: Old projects with incomplete copyright diligence
>>>> To: "general-incubator" <gene...@incubator.apache.org>
>>>> The following projects haven't signed off on the copyright checklist item:
>>>> 2009-02-09  kato
>>>> 2009-02-13  stonehenge
>>>> 2009-05-13  socialsite
>>>> 2010-05-19  amber
>>>> 2010-09-05  nuvem
>>>> 2010-11-12  kitty
>>>> 2010-11-24  stanbol
>>>> 2011-06-13  openofficeorg
>>>> Said checklist item is:
>>>>  "Check and make sure that the papers that transfer rights to the ASF
>>>> been received. It is only necessary to transfer rights for the
>>>> package, the core code, and any new code produced by the project. "
>> Also, does this question even make sense?
>> Neither the SGA not the iCLA "transfers" any rights to the ASF.  We
>> don't ask for copyright.  We just ask for a license. But it is
>> non-exclusive.
> Trademarks and domain name registrations are transferred rights. Perhaps 
> trademarks@a.o can answer if this is completed for OpenOffice.org? Or, are 
> there unanswered questions and incomplete steps?
>> So if anyone thinks this refers to something that actually requires a
>> "transfer" of copyright, please speak up, so we can track this down.
> It says "rights" and not "copyrights". It may be that this also includes the 
> point in time when all of the headers are converted to the AL headers and the 
> SVN passes the RAT test. Is this so?
> Regards,
> Dave

That (source headers) is the next line item on the page.


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