On Thu, Aug 16, 2012 at 12:34 PM, Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> I think it might be a good idea to include a link to build information on
> the download page.

We do have a link on the main download page, over on the right side
panel, under "Additional Information".

But it looks like it is pointing to the old OpenOffice.org version,
not the newer wiki page for AOO.

> We could probably put this right under the heading for the source section...
> http://www.openoffice.org/download/other.html#tested-sdk

Yes, the link probably makes more sense there.

> Given the recent discussion on the [VOTE] thread for 3.4.1, it would be
> great if we could get the build instructions better integrated in *one*
> place and we can add this link to the source download section.
> Comments? Volunteers?

My personal opinion -- the download page is far too "busy" and
complex.   We have 45 different links on that page although we know
most visitors are looking to download AOO in the latest version
available for their language.  There is a lot of visual clutter.
Compare to the Firefox download site, for example.

I'm in favor of simplifying the download page and moving less-used
information off to other supporting pages.  This is a good thing to
look at after the release, I think.  We can even do A/B testing of the
new page against the old one to see how they compare in terms of user
behavior, e.g., how many seconds does it take for the user to find
what they want.


> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MzK
> "Never express yourself more clearly than you are able to think."
>                                                                         --
> Niels Bohr

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