Kay Schenk wrote:
We can leave the porting page "as is" with winPenPack on it, and just
see what happens. But I guarantee that based on comments on
comments/questions we've already had over the past year, we will
basically be obliged to list every other distributor that also feels
they have legitimate distribution.
And, listing winPenPack contradicts what we have on the "distribution"
page:  http://www.openoffice.org/distribution/

No, there's a major difference between a "distribution" (a terminology existing at Apache but not in the previous OpenOffice.org project) and a "distributor" (which is terminology used in the old OpenOffice.org project and is what http://www.openoffice.org/distribution/ refers to, or used to refer to).

A "distribution" is a piece a software derived from OpenOffice. The winPenPack team (and PortableApps too, if/when they decide to provide it) takes the original binaries as downloaded from the OpenOffice website, performs a "fake installation", changes a few configuration settings and makes the result available on SourceForge as a "portable/live" variant of OpenOffice. Others might start from source, add extensions and templates (and even functionality) and obtain something called "Xyz, based on OpenOffice.org".

A "distributor", for the old project, was someone delivering unmodified copies of the OpenOffice.org source and binaries on CD-ROM (and/or selling download links, and this was considered borderline behavior). A portable version would have never been included in http://www.openoffice.org/distribution/ since that page/project was only related to different ways (rather than downloading from the official site) to obtain the unmodified OpenOffice.org.


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