On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 2:57 PM, Kay Schenk <kay.sch...@gmail.com> wrote:
> On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 11:29 AM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
>> On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 2:21 PM, Andrea Pescetti <pesce...@apache.org>
>> wrote:
>> > Rob Weir wrote:
>> >>
>> >> I agree that we should have some mention of other versions or
>> >> distributions that are based on AOO code, even if they are not
>> >> strictly "ports".  The question is where to mention them?
>> >
>> >
>> > So far only winPenPack showed up, so for version 3.4.1 it seems natural
>> to
>> > just use the
>> > http://ooo-site.staging.apache.org/porting/index.html
>> > page (which will be published online) and list it there.
>> >
>> I wonder... if we changed the title/header of that page to say "Ports
>> and Distributions", but kept the same contents, would that make
>> everyone happy?
>> -Rob
> We can certainly do that.
> If this is the agreed upon action, I guess I will start a new thread on
> what to do about corrections to the Distribution page.  As you know, we
> have had a fair number of requests for CD (DVD) copies as well. Assuming
> the creators step forward, I guess we'll list them.

Hmmm.... I think we have two different meanings for the word "distribution".

I'm think of it like a Linux distro, things that take a base
distribution, customize it, possibly add new stuff, and then release
it as a new distribution.  But I see we also use the term to refer to
CD's.  But I think that is confusing.  But I can avoid using the word
distribution in the sense of a distro, if we want to user that word
for CD's.

If so, some suggested definitions:

1) A project release (or unofficial release) (or convenience binary)
(or unofficial convenience binary) is the installers that we produce
within the project, test and vote on (or not, depending on who you
listen to) and then distribute.  This currently includes versions for
Windows, Mac OS, Linux 32 and 64-bit

2) A Port (or external release) (or non-ASF release)  is based on AOO
source code, with little or no modifications, generally aiming to have
the same feature set as our project releases.  It is released outside
of the project.  The BSD, OS/2 and Solaris ports are examples.

3) A repackaging (a "distro") would take the core code, repackage it,
adding extensions, clipart, templates, possibly rebuilding or wrapping
the install.  We see a lot of this, especially since it is relatively
easy to do and the extensions API is so powerful.

4) A derivative would be a product that more extensively transforms
the core AOO product, by addition or subtraction.  In that sense
Symphony was a derivative of OOo.

5) A distribution would be a project release distributed on media such
as an optical disc or USB key.

Given the above, I think we could list 2-4 on a single page and have
it be one of the links from the download page.

We could say something like:

"These projects and products are based on Apache OpenOffice, but are
not maintained or endorsed by the Apache OpenOffice project.  The
following links are provided as a convenience to the user:"

#5 is important for some users as well, but I'm not sure we have
anything new to say there?


>> > Regards,
>> >   Andrea.
> --
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------
> MzK
> "As a child my family's menu consisted of two choices:
>     take it or leave it. "
>                                    -- Buddy Hackett

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