On Tue, 25 Sep 2012 09:27:04 -0400
Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:

> On Tue, Sep 18, 2012 at 12:56 PM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
> > On Tue, Aug 21, 2012 at 12:40 PM, Rob Weir <robw...@apache.org> wrote:
> >> As we perform the final preparations to release Apache OpenOffice
> >> 3.4.1 it is a good time to look ahead to the future.  A big
> >> opportunity is OpenOffice 4.0.  That once seemed so very far away, but
> >> 2013 is getting closer every day.   Will it be a large collection of
> >> small ideas?  Will it have a major overarching theme?  Or will it just
> >> be whatever random stuff we happen to have on a given date when we
> >> release 4.0?   The answer, of course, depends on what we, as project
> >> members/volunteers decide to do.   It is a good time now, as a
> >> background activity, to poll the community and wider ecosystem on
> >> ideas for Apache OpenOffice 4.0.
> >>
> >> To participate, go to this page on Google Moderator, where you can
> >> help us gather and rate ideas:
> >> https://www.google.com/moderator/#16/e=2011d5
> >>
> >> A few project members have already "seeded" this with some initial
> >> ideas. Of course, you are encouraged to add your own ideas, as well as
> >> rate the ideas of others.   Try not to censor yourself from thinking
> >> outside-of-the-box.  We need big ideas as well as incremental ones.
> >>
> >> We don't have a close date on this brainstorming activity, but it is
> >> good to get your ideas in early, so there is an opportunity for others
> >> to rate and comment on it.
> >>
> >
> > This brainstorming has been ongoing for 3 weeks now.  So far, so good.
> >  The latest stats are:
> >
> > 533 people have submitted 456 ideas and cast 6,491 votes
> >
> Today, a week later:  633 users - 527 ideas - 7,607 votes
> So we are still getting a good amount of feedback.  I added a mention
> of this brainstorming on the www.openoffice.org website header.  That
> should give this even more visibility.
> I've heard from some that it would be good to get to a point where we
> can take a "snapshot" of the feedback received, and process that, to
> help set priorities for AOO 4.0.
> Would it make sense to do that in another week, say on October 1st?

We should close feedback nominaly at end of September.
> At that point we can:
> 1) Put a "thank you" note on the Google Moderator page and stop
> accepting new suggestions.  Point the users to the ooo-users or
> ooo-dev mailing list instead,

> 2) Export the ideas and scores received so far to a CSV file and
> archive that someplace.

This is probably the first step in the analysis of the feedback; many of the 
suggestions will amalgamate under more general headings, for example, 
suggestions for better doc/docx support will most probably amalgamate with 
suggestions for better MS format support.
> 3) Discuss the results received
> 4) Maybe a blog post to highlight the brainstorming activity and the
> results received?
> Any other ideas?

After the analysis process perhaps list the top ten on the Google Moderator 
site, without committment that they will be progressed into AOO 4.0
> I don't need to own any of this, but since I started it I'm willing to
> finish it.  But if anyone else wants to take a lead on this, please
> volunteer.
> Regards,
> -Rob
> > If you have not reviewed the new ideas recently, it would be worth
> > taking another look.  It is good that all ideas are rated, not just
> > the ones that came in early.
> >
> > Maybe let it run to the end of September and then we can snapshot it
> > and start analyzing the results?  Or mid October?  It would be good to
> > wrap this up in advance of ApacheCon, so we can discuss further there.
> >
> > Regards,
> >
> > -Rob
> >
> >
> >> Regards,
> >>
> >> -Rob

Rory O'Farrell <ofarr...@iol.ie>

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