On Fri, Oct 19, 2012 at 6:47 PM, jan iversen <jancasacon...@gmail.com> wrote:
> 3) +1, but I will never understand why it is a mailing list and not a
> forum, where it is so much easier to look at history

Oh please, not again... mailing lists have many advantages over web forums:

1. Speed (the emails arrive automagically, are text-only -most of the
time-), no waiting for forum web pages to load, no adverts, no
footers, no colors, no graphical sig files, no animated gifs to look
at, no delay to "log-in", messages just arrive to your mailbox
2. Easy archival (just set a rule and archive your list email to a
given subfolder or a given GMail Label)
3. Reply speed (most of my on-line time is spent loking at the gmail
inbox, when something of interest arrives -ie ooo-dev with some
interesting subject line- I click and read it immediately).
4. Sense of community: it´s much easier to deal with troublemakers,
spammers and trolls etc on a mailing list (just ban his email address)
than on web forums.

...and that just are the most obvious ones off the top of my head on a
Sunday at 4:50am local time...

During times of Universal Deceit, telling the truth becomes a revolutionary act
- George Orwell

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