Am 30.10.12 17:41, schrieb imacat:
> On 2012/10/29 23:26, Rob Weir said:
>> Then there is the secondary question of network effect and value of
>> the network.  The more AOO users there are they greater the value of
>> skills in AOO extension development, of AOO training and certification
>> skills, and of migration and deployment services, etc.  These business
>> interests all become more valuable the more users we have.  Although
>> nothing requires that business built on AOO contribute back to the
>> project, in practice they often will, since helping to sustain the
>> project helps their business as well.  So aside from the "volunteer
>> pyramid" we set up a second virtuous cycle with business interests.
>     Unfortunately, in the few cases I've seen, this is just negative.
> In practice many of these business just don't help to sustain the
> project.  I suppose many of them do help to sustain the project.  Why
> some do and some don't is another interesting issue to be investigated
> further.
>     I occasionally hear some local business doing OpenOffice support,
> but I cannot reach them.  They just don't respond to us, and have no
> interests to connect to the open source community.  (Afraid of us
> stealing their business?  Afraid of us sharing their profit?  Just
> afraid of communication trouble?  Being conservative for Asian culture?)
I beleve the main problem is that consultants see a product, and not a
project. Same for big companies. I often hear from consultants "I don't
care about development". They also don't have the time to join a
project, and if, then they join the marketing.

I have had a load of talk with consultants, and showed the way for verry
simple work like testing snapshots and duing bug reports. No one of them
ever particip.

What could work is if OpenOffice Committers start to sell a "development
packages" We have to put our work into a service product. But this is
not samthing that we do at Apache, it's samething for outside the ASF.

Greetings Raphael

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