On Tue, 13 Jul 2021, at 22:31, P.O. Jonsson wrote:
> Hi Jeremy,


> It is 8.1. Professional, and I do not think anyone in his right mind
> is actually using Windows 8 or 8.1 for that matter ;-)

Well, I'm using 8.1.  Right mind?  See my initial comment...  (I have 
a thing about birds and - elsewhere - often squawk or quack as a
greeting.  My professional guise must just have slipped.)

In my case I'm never likely to be an early adopter of any of the MS 
OSes as they don't seem to be able to get things right, at the start.

I'd expected by now to be using Win 10, but there never seems to 
be enough time and spare energy/concentration (I have a chronic
illness) to configure a new machine, reinstall all the applications I
use - probably in newer versions - and migrate my own programs
onto it.  It's nearly at the top of my to-do list though...

> The whole point in installing Windows 7 and Windows 8 is to see if
> they behave differently in the build and test of ooRexx.


Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

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