This is getting off topic (ooRexx on Windows versions) but briefly:

Like most people I liked Windows 7 for is useful GUI and hated W8 for the 
opposite reason. W10 brought some usefulness back but I always add Classic 
Shell to it to make it more like W7. Hint for Mike.

W10 is IMO really stable by now and I have it running for weeks without getting 
messed up. Compared to W7 where I had to reboot daily it is an improvement. 
Also it is not getting gobbled up with garbage so I do not have to reinstall it 
every year as I had to do with W7.

I had a Windows 8 copy standing unused in its box (like most W8 copies :-) ) so 
I thought I could put it to use for ooRexx. I am having some problems running 
the test framework, unclear why. See Ticket 1774 for details. It might be 
related to the fact that I am using a newer Visual Studio version than the 
official W10 Jenkins build machine.

P.O. Jonsson

> Am 14.07.2021 um 15:07 schrieb Jeremy Nicoll <>:
> On Tue, 13 Jul 2021, at 22:31, P.O. Jonsson wrote:
>> Hi Jeremy,
> Squawk!
>> It is 8.1. Professional, and I do not think anyone in his right mind
>> is actually using Windows 8 or 8.1 for that matter ;-)
> Well, I'm using 8.1.  Right mind?  See my initial comment...  (I have 
> a thing about birds and - elsewhere - often squawk or quack as a
> greeting.  My professional guise must just have slipped.)
> In my case I'm never likely to be an early adopter of any of the MS 
> OSes as they don't seem to be able to get things right, at the start.
> I'd expected by now to be using Win 10, but there never seems to 
> be enough time and spare energy/concentration (I have a chronic
> illness) to configure a new machine, reinstall all the applications I
> use - probably in newer versions - and migrate my own programs
> onto it.  It's nearly at the top of my to-do list though...
>> The whole point in installing Windows 7 and Windows 8 is to see if
>> they behave differently in the build and test of ooRexx.
> Ah.
> -- 
> Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.
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