Also apologies for continuing the off-topic :-).
On Win7 I use elap.rex as my shell, so no problems there :-).  Also for me
Win 7 is very stable -- last reboot was in January, or thereabouts, and that
only because I installed a new application (that probably didn't need a
reboot, in truth).
My big complaint/problem with Win10 is that its windows don't have borders,
and since I often have 6 or more open when programming (editing a few source
files, running test cases, viewing text files) and many have the same
background colour (blue or black) everything merges together and it is
really hard to read one thing from another.   I suppose I could write a new
editor that included a border, but having written 13 text editors already in
this lifetime I'd rather do something new ... :-)


From: P.O. Jonsson [] 
Sent: 14 July 2021 14:50
To: Open Object Rexx Developer Mailing List
Subject: Re: [Oorexx-devel] ooRexx on Windows 8

This is getting off topic (ooRexx on Windows versions) but briefly: 

Like most people I liked Windows 7 for is useful GUI and hated W8 for the
opposite reason. W10 brought some usefulness back but I always add Classic
Shell to it to make it more like W7. Hint for Mike.

W10 is IMO really stable by now and I have it running for weeks without
getting messed up. Compared to W7 where I had to reboot daily it is an
improvement. Also it is not getting gobbled up with garbage so I do not have
to reinstall it every year as I had to do with W7.

I had a Windows 8 copy standing unused in its box (like most W8 copies :-) )
so I thought I could put it to use for ooRexx. I am having some problems
running the test framework, unclear why. See Ticket 1774 for details. It
might be related to the fact that I am using a newer Visual Studio version
than the official W10 Jenkins build machine.

P.O. Jonsson

Am 14.07.2021 um 15:07 schrieb Jeremy Nicoll

On Tue, 13 Jul 2021, at 22:31, P.O. Jonsson wrote:

Hi Jeremy,


It is 8.1. Professional, and I do not think anyone in his right mind
is actually using Windows 8 or 8.1 for that matter ;-)

Well, I'm using 8.1.  Right mind?  See my initial comment...  (I have 
a thing about birds and - elsewhere - often squawk or quack as a
greeting.  My professional guise must just have slipped.)

In my case I'm never likely to be an early adopter of any of the MS 
OSes as they don't seem to be able to get things right, at the start.

I'd expected by now to be using Win 10, but there never seems to 
be enough time and spare energy/concentration (I have a chronic
illness) to configure a new machine, reinstall all the applications I
use - probably in newer versions - and migrate my own programs
onto it.  It's nearly at the top of my to-do list though...

The whole point in installing Windows 7 and Windows 8 is to see if
they behave differently in the build and test of ooRexx.


Jeremy Nicoll - my opinions are my own.

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