Greetings ooRexx'ers,

On the topic of reminding what needs completing to release ooRexx v5.0...

Terry Fuller wrote:
Is there a list somewhere of showstoppers which are preventing 5.0 from going 

If so, can someone point me to it?

If not, can I serve as a clearinghouse for reports of showstoppers?

Two years ago, there was  a discussion about "Strange behaviour RxMath RxCalcSqrt 
function". It had to do with changes in behavior before / after loading BSF4ooRexx.

Rony kindly assisted me with getting the then current BSF4ooRexx running on my system that was loaded with ooRexx v4.1. Running with that version of ooRexx, the sample program provided consistently produced the correct result. I replied, however I seem to recall interest in the topic had already passed.

Now I am on a new system that ooRexx v4.1 refused to play nice on... so I 
upgraded to some beta release of ooRexx v5.

$ rexx -v
Open Object Rexx Version 5.0.0 r12279
Build date: Jul  7 2021
Addressing mode: 64

I still have the prior system still loaded with ooRexx v4.1 and the BSF4ooRexx Rony assisted me in getting to work. I have not yet configured this current new system with BSF4ooRexx... so I am unable to immediately retest the sample program.

Attaching from the original thread...

I am thankful,

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
--- Begin Message --- Running the attached script "rxmath.rex"  will yield a weird result on my Linux (Mint 19.3, which is based on Ubuntu 18.04) when the RxCalcSqrt function is called from the RXBSF.REX for a non-perfect square (129).

The code in RXBSF.REX does only ::REQUIRE  BSF.CLS without using any of its possibilities (unless some lines are uncommented) but in turn requires the Java library ""

It looks like the ::REQUIRE causes the sqrt function to produce a different outcome of the resulting floating point number.

When I run the code on a Windows 10 machine, the results from RXBSF.REX are correct. Rony Flatcher ran the scripts on Darwin (MacOS) and there the results were correct too.

I included the pure Rexx ::ROUTINE my_sqrt (more or less copied from Walter Pachl's rxm.cls on to verify that that works OK.

Also before calling RXBSF.REX from rxmath.rex and after returning from RXBSF.REX the results of the RxMath rxCalcSqrt function are OK again.

Seems to me that RxMath should not be impacted by another ::REQUIRE (if that is the case??).

Anybody with more system experience has some thoughts on how to tackle this?




I have now switched to the use of Walter Pachl's  very nice package (thanks Walter) that you can find here:


Attachment: rxmath.rex
Description: application/rexx

Attachment: RXBSF.REX
Description: application/rexx

Oorexx-devel mailing list

--- End Message ---
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Greetings Ruurd,

Ruurd Idenburg wrote:
Running the attached script "rxmath.rex"  will yield a weird result on my Linux (Mint 19.3, which is based on Ubuntu 18.04) when the RxCalcSqrt function is called from the RXBSF.REX for a non-perfect square (129).

Rony kindly assisted me in getting BSF4ooRexx to run on my Xubuntu 16.04 x64 
system with ooRexx 4.2

The results of running your program on my system are as follows:

$ rexx rxmath.rex
rxCalcSqrt(129) before BSF is invoked/loaded: 11.3578167
rxCalcSqrt(121) before BSF is invoked/loaded: 11
Now running RXBSF.REX that only requires BSF CLS
rxCalcSqrt(129) in RXBSF.REX: 11.3578167
rxCalcSqrt(121) in RXBSF.REX: 11

my_sqrt(129) in RXBSF,REX: 11.3578167
my_sqrt(121) in RXBSF.REX: 11
Now leaving RXBSF.REX
rxCalcSqrt(129) after running RXBSF.REX: 11.3578167
rxCalcSqrt(121) after running RXBSF.REX: 11

I wish you would have copied your output as baseline of what you were seeing.

Here are my versions:

$ java -version
openjdk version "1.8.0_252"
OpenJDK Runtime Environment (build 1.8.0_252-8u252-b09-1~16.04-b09)
OpenJDK 64-Bit Server VM (build 25.252-b09, mixed mode)

$ rexx -v
Open Object Rexx Version 4.2.0
Build date: May  5 2017
Addressing Mode: 64

Copyright (c) IBM Corporation 1995, 2004.
Copyright (c) RexxLA 2005-2013.
All Rights Reserved.
This program and the accompanying materials are made available under
the terms of the Common Public License v1.0 which accompanies this
distribution or at

I am thankful,

Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems

Oorexx-devel mailing list

--- End Message ---
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