Greetings ooRexx'ers,
Rick McGuire wrote:
On Sun, Nov 13, 2022 at 5:57 AM Mike Cowlishaw <
<>> wrote:
makes me wonder a bit: by reducing to one core then anything
is forced to run on a single thread which makes race conditions much
likely than when on multicore where multiple threads can run
ooRexx is not truly multithreaded. Only one thread at a time is allowed to run Rexx code at a time, with a cooperative internal dispatch mechanism. Only threads running external code (e.g., calls to
native libraries or running commands) truly run concurrently. Multiple cores might affect the timing of which thread happens to get permission to run next, but which thread gets permission has always
been unpredictable.
Interesting to learn, Rick. I never realized this about ORexx/ooRexx.
So a better design would be to start many ooRexx PIDs and have each one be
single threaded, let the OS manage the PIDs/threads, to achieve Rexx parallel
processing, correct?
I am thankful,
Michael Lueck
Lueck Data Systems
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