Good work! 

I'm not familiar with internals of ooRexx, but reading this:

> I tried to "tune" Virtualbox to get rid of the timing error 
> problems but every attempt actually made things worse, with 
> more than half of the timing tests failing. I have reset 
> Virtualbox to default values now. What *DID* help on the 
> other hand was to deprive the VMs of resources. Changing from 
> 2 cores/4 GB memory to 1 core/ 2 GB memory made all *nixes 
> pass all tests, so it looks like the problem were related to 
> Virtualbox rather than to ooRexx. Only exception are the 
> BSDs, that are still a bit problematic to test. But all 
> platforms (Win macOS Linux Unix) build without error now.

makes me wonder a bit: by reducing to one core then anything multithreaded
is forced to run on a single thread which makes race conditions much less
likely than when on multicore where multiple threads can run simultaneously.


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