>Alain: Given that we are talking about variations on
>the GPL theme, I no longer have any serious objections
>to what you propose .. except one. I hope that the
>process of 'covering our flanks' with a few more
>GPL-variants will not stall the progress of the
>FreeCard project.


 we should be careful about licence variations. One wrong licence might
cause us to lose some users and some co-workers. Hundreds of licences will
frighten away almost everyone or even split our efforts if they can't be
combined. I see multiple licences as a last-minute escape if we realize we
have made a mistake. If the authors agree, we have the opportunity to start
all over again licence-wise. We might have to re-code bits to work around
other authors' work if they don't agree to a change in licence, but it'd be
better than having to throw away everything. Anyway, having different
licences is dangerous. We shouldn't be doing more than a FC-GPL and an
FC-LGPL, depending on what we intend to do with the parts.

> Our undecisiveness has already
>alienated several former and existing members of FreeCard.

 Well, we have a GPL-based licence, that's an important decision. I have
started sending messages out to other places to attract additional
programmers. Decision two. We have some code for the editor (FreeUI), we
have a starting point for the wrapper classes that will handle
cross-platform GUI programming (Dave/HAL), we have code for the block file
(XBF), Anthony is happily typing away on his Interpreter (NuParser) and
Adrian has started working on one, too. We have a web site and a clearly
stated mission.

 I think we have already achieved one. OK, considered to the path ahead of
us it's just a single step, but the first step is always the hardest, they
say. Everyone who wants can offer help. Eric will gladly take icons or
design ideas etc. to integrate into FreeUI, Anthony, Adrian and me would
not mind any help in programming, testing etc. Just contact the appropriate
person and tell what you can do and I'm sure you'll get enough work.

 If anyone feels alienated, tell us and we'll try to help you remedy that
problem. Especially FreeUI could use lots of scripters who wouldn't mind
downloading the MC starter kit and writing a feature.

-- M. Uli Kusterer

       'The Witnesses of TeachText are everywhere...'

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