>The problem is that the home stack contains code -- and the Interpreter
>will need to dynamicly link that in order to call it in the normal
>HyperCard-ish message hierarchy.


 it isn't "linking" that's "executing". It's the same as with MacPerl,
which doesn't link to the .pl files you give it to execute, it reads them
and executes them. At no time a part of FreeCard is merged into the
standalone. If this was considered linking, what would happen with gcc or
other GPLed compilers?

 The input and output of a GPLed program are not under the GPL, only
modifications. That's why it's a problem with standalones but not with
stacks. Stacks are considered output here.

-- M. Uli Kusterer

       'The Witnesses of TeachText are everywhere...'

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