On Fri, May 24, 2019 at 4:35 PM Amirouche Boubekki <
amirouche.boube...@gmail.com> wrote:

>> Each atom is approx 50 to 200-ish bytes, typical.
That is what it would cost to STORE an atom to disk. I guess. Depends on
what indexes you'd need to keep.  The In-RAM atoms are about 1.5KBytes
each, because they keep indexes to speed graph traversal.  viz, all the
egdes to walk the graph quickly.  The atoms themselves are small, but
there's lots of extra bytes used to cache stuff to speed traversal.

> What is the typical hardware people run the atomspace on? SSD? RAM? CPU?

The atomspace itself is an in-RAM database. You can save& restore
individual atoms to disk (currently via postgres; I'm waiting for other DB
drivers to get written.)  Since postgres is distributed, you can run the
atomspace distributed (see the examples dir, its really really easy).
Postgres runs faster on SSD.

On my machine, when crunching the language-learning code, which typically
touches up to 5-50 million atoms, I found that processing was i/o limited.
With SSD disks, postgres runs at approx 80% of the rated SSD performance,
and at about 50% of the SATA link speed.  (raid-mirror setup) So basically
it comes close to maxing out the I/O subsystem and the I/O buses.

For smaller datasets, the atomspace does run on a Raspberry PI (just fine,
I'm told).

It does not run on Android; the main blocker for this is the lack of guile
for Android.  As of last week, it runs on MacOS. No clue if that means it
also runs on iOS. Future Chromebooks will run linux ... so... also windows


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