Just catching up on this conversation - I am unclear on why the original solution Bert proposed here isn't correct. What this says is:

 * for the ac0001 term constraint in the model, allow the term to be
   from one of ETDA or ICD10

Since this is set at the archetype level, it is stated as true for all instantiations of the archetype.

Now, you might say, what does this 'binding' really mean, practically speaking? Because here we are talking about an external value set, so the codes have to come from one of the bound terminologies / value sets. THere is some potentially useful explanation of the meaning of 'binding' in the ADL2 specification <http://www.openehr.org/releases/AM/latest/docs/ADL2/ADL2.html#terminology_integration_concrete_codes> (I suggest the whole of section 8 is worth reading).

However, if the requirement is to limit the possible run time /mappings/ recorded in the data for an original term to coming from only 2 particular terminologies, then the suggestions made here about TERM_MAPPING may apply. Note however that these don't solve the question of how to control the coding of the central DV_CODED_TEXT.

- thomas

 On 15/03/2017 11:29, Bert Verhees wrote:
Dear readers,

I have a problem and I want to ask your advise.

The problem is that I want to use openEHR-EHR-EVALUATION.problem_diagnosis.v1 which is in CKM.

In that archetype is the item "Problem/Diagnosis name", which is of type DV_TEXT. We want to use it as DV_CODED_TEXT, because we want to add code to the entered name.

In this situation where I work, the customer wants to use 2 different codes, one company crerated internal codelist, and ICD10.

It seems easy to arrange in the archetype, I think I need to specialize it, because I want to add the constraint-bindings to give room for the codes. The archetype-editor from Ocean allows two constraint-bindings on the same node, like displayed below. But this seems wrong to me.

In the reference model in the DV_CODED_TEXT is one CODE_PHRASE (1..1). And CODE_PHRASE has terminology_id and code_string also 1..1

So how will the construct below be interpreted following the specs?

constraint_bindings = <
["ETDA"] = <
items = <
["ac0001"] = <terminology:ETDA>
["ICD10"] = <
items = <
["ac0001"] = <terminology:ICD10>

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