Thanks Peter, I must have missed it.
blush blush (missing my regular workstation/email client)
It is indeed the solution.
Sorry for that
Best regards
On 17-03-17 14:42, Peter Gummer wrote:
On 17 Mar 2017, at 22:39, Bert Verhees <> wrote:
The several countries have independent organizations, and the overall
organization cannot enforce a common terminology. There are two terminologies
in this case, and those two terminologies cannot be mapped easily, because the
granularity is different.
How this is handled until so far this problem is to add the two required codes
to an item. So everybody was happy.
Now this customer is moving over to OpenEHR, and because DV_Coded_Text accepts
only one terminology per occurrence, this is a problem..
Hi Bert,
I think you have missed the response yesterday from a couple of people, who
suggested that you could use the DV_TEXT (or DV_CODED_TEXT)
Your text item could have 2 mappings. The target of each mapping is a
CODE_PHRASE, which has a terminology id and a code.
Does that help?
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