On 2002-12-30 12:38, "Sam Heard" <sam.heard at bigpond.com> wrote:

> Dear All
>> 1. In the demographic server, we create 2 PERSONs, and use a foetus
>> archetype for one. We put a mother/in utero PARTY_RELATIONSHIP
>> between them.
>> however, the in utero relationship as a clinical phenomenon is probably
>> more important than the legal mother/child relationship, which is the
>> kind of thing demographic systems are designed for (this relationship
>> does not change as long as both parties are alive, but the carrying/in
>> utero physical relationship is fairly temporary.
> For all sorts of reasons one cannot separate the mother and fetus until
> quite late in pregnancy - many tests have implications for the fetus and for
> the mother and her pregnancy.
> >>>>>

It is my belief that there will not be one good for all model of the
There are several points of view: medical perinatologist, - genetical,
-peadiatrician,  - gynacologist, - pharmacist, -etc, phycological,
sociological, legal, ethical, administrative, etc.

Each viewpoint will have different models for different contexts.

The consequence is that one RIM with one Demographics part will be to
One RIM with several types of demographic models (using
Archetypes/Templates) is the sensible way to think about it.


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