aniket Joshi wrote:

>Dear Sir,
>The concept of "contribution" is definitely
>'essential' for the functioninig of an efficient EHR model.
>For all practical purposes the memory of the patient
>and the HCP is in term of "events".
>Each of these "events" have a distinct title for
>eg.Appendicectomy and have a number of examinations inside them.
>Each examination has a versioned_transaction as a record.
>Thus the event is a cluster of examinations and
>contribution can act as a cluster of
>versioned_transactions with a title.
it seems to me this use of the word "event" is more what I would call an 
"episode", i.e. a period of time during which a number of related things 
happen (e.g. admission, examination, operation, review, discharge).

The defining aspect of "contribution" we are saying is that it is the 
unit of change to the EHR - it is due to a single "clinical session", 
which might be

- a patient contact
- a set of test results
- the acquisition and merging of an EHR extract or message

>During retrieval the Health care provider will have to
>select a contribution after which only the related
>Versioned_transactions will have to be retrieved.
>Will this reduce the speed?
not completely clear on the querying scenario you are proposing here.

- thomas beale

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