Thomas Beale wrote:
> Rong Chen wrote:
>> Thanks, Sam! Please see my comments below.
>> Sam Heard wrote:
>>> Rong
>>> This is an important consideration - especially if we are to get the 
>>> event right. We have recently been moving away from offset to a 
>>> datetime stamp for the items in the history - as this is easier and 
>>> more realistic for summary data over a long period.
>> Good to know that, I guess it will perhaps appear in the CR list soon.
> actually, the current model has an offset in each event, not the 
> absolute time. This makes it easy to archetype, since you almost always 
> want to archetype offsets like 1, 2, 5 mins in apgar, or 30 mins, 
> 1h45mins in GTT. If we replace EVENT.offset: DV_DURATION with 
> EVENT.time: DV_DATE_TIME, then archetyping it becomes harder - how do 
> you constrain the date_time to be a certain offset from the origin? 
> Actually, you can do it in ADL archetypes - and completely formally - 
> using invariants - you have to write an invariant which mathematically 
> relates the origin of the HISTORY (actuall, the EVENT_SERIES) object and 
> the time of each event. But this makes it somewhat harder to define - 
> less obvious, and also harder to implement - it means that invariant 
> pasing and runtime processing have to be working.
>>> With this change - you want to find and label the 1 minute, 5 minute 
>>> and 10 minute Apgars - as the absolute time has no meaning.
>>> The Editor allows you to constrain the run time name of the event.
>> My impression is that archetype can't constrain more than what 
>> reference information model can provide. In this case, there is no 
>> attribute "name" in the class EVENT, so it's not going to help very 
>> much even the archetype editor allows you to assign a name to EVENT. 
>> Maybe I got it wrong?
> no you got it right. I have raised a CR in your name (= induction into 
> openEHR hall of fame;-) to make EVENT inherit from LOCATABLE.
> - thomas

Cool. Where is the CR by the way, I would like to follow it. I saw some 
openehr activities on recently, can we start to use it 
to raise CRs?

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