
I'm only the convenor of the CEN/TC251 wg1.
For more detailed information you need to read the e-mails by Dipak 
Kalra, Thomas Beale and Sam Heard.

In the text below soem comments.
Gerard Freriks, MD
Convenor CEN/TC251 WG1

TNO Quality of Life
Wassenaarseweg 56

PostBox 2215
22301CE Leiden
The Netherlands

+31 71 5181388
+31 654 792800
On 10 Mar 2005, at 18:29, Jose Alberto Maldonado wrote:

> Hello,
> We have just read the message bellow and honestly we do not understand
> anything now. We supposed that EN13606-1 reference model could be used 
> as
> reference model for developing archetypes.

EN13606 part 1 is a generic model of any document, with versioning and 

EN13606 contains an UML model of the Archetype.

> You can read in prEN13606-2 (last version  February 2005), section 
> 1.3. Communicating archetypes: "It is
> the intention of both CEN and HL7 that HL7 Templates and EN13606
> archetypes be interoperable". One question arises are these EN13606
> archetypes different from OPENEHR archetypes?.

Archetypes are archetypes at the clinical level.
And can have facets. An EN13606 facet when constraints are applied to 
the EN13606 kernel and an OpenEHR facet when constraints are applied to 
the OpenEHR kernel.

> Could you show some examples of clinical concepts that can not be
> expressed as archetypes derived from EN13606-1 reference model?.
> thanks in advance
> On dj, 2005-03-10 at 17:19, Thom
> Thomas Beale escribi?:
>> Alfonso Mata wrote:
>>> Hello everybody,
>>> We're working at University of Zaragoza (Spain) on a EHR system. We
>>> want to conform to 13606 and make use of ADL-based archetypes. We are
>>> just starting and we have lots of doubts about how to implement and
>>> apply all concepts. These are our questions:
>>> - How 13606 is applied to built ADL archetypes? Is it already 
>>> possible?
>>> - Is it possible to obtain a XML-Schema based on 13606 from an ADL 
>>> file?
>>> - Is ADL parser in openEHR site the only one to make use of it?
>> It does not make any real sense to make archetypes literally based on 
>> CEN 13606. Archetypes have a very important requirement: to be 
>> targetted to an informatoin model which acts as a "base ontology". In 
>> openEHR we use the openEHR reference model fr this purpose. This is 
>> what allows you to write an archetype for somehting like "Apgar 
>> result", which needs to use concepts like OBSERVATION (with 
>> properties data, state and protocol), HISTORY (with properties 
>> events, origin), EVENT (property data), and varous data structure 
>> types, like TREE, LIST, TABLE and SINGLE.
>> EN 13606 is not designed directly to support archetyping; it is 
>> designed as a lowest-common denominator EHR data interoperability 
>> model, with support for transmitting archetyped information.
>> This is not the same as providing sufficient ontological definitoins 
>> to support the building or use of archetypes. If you were to use 
>> EN13606 literally for archetypes, you could only use ENTRY, CLUSTER 
>> and ELEMENT; you will see that trying to define most clinical 
>> concepts with such a weak ontology will be annoying difficult, 
>> error-prone, and ultimately will not engage clinical professionals.
>> So openEHR currently offers at least part of a base ontology for 
>> building archetypes, with concepts of sufficient strength to make 
>> higher-level clinical concepts easily expressible. In the near 
>> future, we intend to propose the creation of an agreed "base level 
>> ontology" reference model, expressed in UML, for use by everybody for 
>> buiulding archetypes. We will include the core of the openEHR 
>> reference model for this (from COMPOSITION down); but we want other 
>> organisations to think about what they need to see in this. There are 
>> other reference models such as the Danish G-EPJ which have clean 
>> concepts which may need to be in this base ontology; also ENV 13940 
>> (continuity of care) models need to be analysed for possible 
>> contributions. We will propose this base ontology at the next CEN 
>> working group meeting. I believe people will agree in principle.
>> A data mapping is also being defined between openEHR (and later, the 
>> common base ontology) and EN13606. This wll enable 13606 to fulfull 
>> its purpose, which is to move  data faithfully between EHR sites, 
>> including data which has been archetyped in those sites.
>> But please don't try to directly archteype 13606 information 
>> structures - you will be going down he wrong route!
>> - thomas beale
>> -
>> If you have any questions about using this list,
>> please send a message to d.lloyd at openehr.org
> -
> If you have any questions about using this list,
> please send a message to d.lloyd at openehr.org
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