BTW:  I was going to vote No.  But when I clicked on the "vote" button
it registered it as a vote for the paper.  Kind of a screwy voting
system I think.

On Mon, 2008-11-03 at 14:35 -0600, Ignacio Valdes wrote:
> The un-official, Draft 7 of the upcoming American Medical Informatics
> Association Open Source Working Group white paper to be voted on
> November 9th can be found It will be
> voted on for ratification on November 9th-11th or so. Action is needed
> on your part to answer the question: If open source is so great why is
> no one using it? There is no aggregate data that I can find to counter
> this opinion. If you know of a Free/Open Source EHR/EMR deployment and
> could please send three pieces of information on each deployment that
> you have by Wednesday November 5th: General Location, software version
> and most importantly NUMBER OF PATIENTS IN SYSTEM. This paper could
> have national impact with this data. Please respond by email to
> ivaldes at if you are able to obtain this data.
> -- IV
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Timothy Cook, MSc
Health Informatics Research & Development Services
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Skype ID == timothy.cook 
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